Fall Trip Balance Due 9/30/20

Note: Tomorrow will be a Shamble format since it is the 3rd Saturday of the month. The golf course has asked that we ensure we are riding 2 golfers per cart. If you feel you need a single cart for health reasons, please notify/discuss with the pro shop.

The balance for the trip is due by Sept. 30, 2020. Please give your money to WJ or place it in an envelope and give to the Pro Shop. Since each person’s balance is different (based on number of times played) there is a sheet in the Pro Shop that indicates that balance owed. You will still earn credits up until 9/30 but the sheet only shows credits earned through 9/18. If you pay your balance and then earn additional credits, the extra will be refunded to you.

We have 36 players making the trip this year. I will post a room pairings sheet once everyone has paid. Each golfer is responsible for setting up their foursome so start thinking about who you want to play with. We do this for two reasons: 1) you get to play with your friends 2) makes it convenient to play with those you ride with to Augusta. You do not have to play with the same 3 guys each day. I just need to know who you will be playing with each day. It will be up to each golfer to arrange transportation to Augusta.