Category: MGA News

Used for posts that contain news or notices

2018 MGA Fall Trip Details

We have finalized plans for our annual Fall golf trip. Select the link below to see the details. Contact any member of the BOD if you have questions.

This year’s trip will be October 19-21 at Jekyll Island Golf Club. To keep the costs down we have arranged for 2 bedroom suites. Each suite has 2 queens and one king bed. Since it is an advantage for the guy that gets the king bed, I am suggesting that each group work out the arrangements as to who gets the king bed. My recommendation is that the person getting the king bed pay the other guys in the room $20 each or just take them to dinner on Friday night. This is certainly a lot cheaper than having to get a single room.

2018 Fall Trip


2018 MGA Four Ball

NEW DATE: Spring Four Ball now scheduled for June 3, 2018.

Since there may be some changes to who is playing with whom, we will post a new sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. If you had already signed up before the date was changed, please sign up again.

Get your teams set. If you want to play but do not have a partner, just sign up as a single and we will try to pair you up. This is one of the few events we host each year where the results are based on handicap. The BOD will publish a complete list of the rules soon.

Let’s all work together to promote this event. Our goal is to get a full field of 60 players (30 teams).

2018 2 man best ball

MGA 2018 BOD meeting notes

Recently the new BOD for 2018 met to discuss the business of the Southern Hills MGA. During this meeting we discussed items that were made note of during our Annual Meeting in January and made some decisions that we think will help to improve our organization.

There were some goals set for 2018:

  1. Increase membership and participation in the weekly matches. The membership goal is to reach 100 members again. We had this a couple of years ago but have dropped to about 85 recently. We would also like to get our average number of players for the weekly matches to 32 players.
  2. Implement changes to the weekly matches that will help to involve a broader scope of formats in hopes that more players will feel involved in the results as well as help spread the wealth to a broader group of players.
  3. Sell ads for the tee markers to generate additional revenues to help offset the cost of any projects we might wish to take on as well as help defer costs of our annual Fall trip.
  4. Increase our Party Fund each year to $5000. This is approximately how much the MGA has contributed to offset the costs of our annual Fall trip each of the last 3 years.
  5. Work with the golf course to implement a set of Black Tees for the Super Senior players (age 70 and up)
  6. Continue 9 hole matches/meeting once each month. We are kind of restricted how often by the time changes. This basically limits us to the months of March-October
  7. Increase number of players participating in the Hole in One Club. Our goal is to get at least 50 members to participate. This way the pot grows quickly.

In an effort to reaching these goals the BOD made some decisions that we hope will get us closer to reaching those goals. The first decision we made was that the BOD will handle all decisions with respect to reaching those goals. Having been heavily involved with the BOD activities over the last 5 years, it has become evident that we accomplish nothing when we hold meetings for the membership as a whole. There is always a lot of discussion but not much action. Based on our membership of about 85 the last two years, we have not even had a quorum at our Annual Meeting so any decisions made at that meeting are not necessarily the feelings/opinions of the majority.This however, does not mean that the BOD does not want or solicit input from the general membership. We always want the input. Please feel free to discuss any matters that you feel are important in reaching our goals with any BOD member even in person or in writing if you choose. The BOD will meet regularly to discuss those ideas and thoughts and make decisions based on that input. I will also put out a couple of surveys during the year to try to capture the ideas and opinions of the general membership.

Having said that, if you feel we need more than 3 BOD members to get a better consensus of the general membership wishes, it is always an option to increase the number of BOD members. However, it has been hard enough just to get 3 people each year willing to serve in that capacity.  If you want to be more involved by becoming part of the BOD, by all means offer your services. Keep in mind that BOD members are also expected to help manage all aspects of the MGA. This includes handling payouts each match, organizing annual Fall trip, posting results to web page, managing calendar of events, sell ad signs, organizing annual Best Ball tournament, etc.

I will be posting a list of current Hole In One members on the bulletin board later this week. I think right now we only have 23 paid up. Keep in mind that each time someone has a Hole In One during an MGA event, they win half the pot and everyone must pay $5 again to be eligible for the next payout. The last time we had to pay out for a HIO was back on June 12, 2016. If you have not paid the $5 since then you are not on the active list of HIO Club members.

Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to bring everyone up to date.

Select the link below to see the changes the BOD voted to implement.

2018 MGA changes

Jody Woodruff, President MGA

Hal Baker, Vice-President MGA

W J Daniell, Sect./Treasurer MGA