Category: MGA News

Used for posts that contain news or notices

2020 MGA 2-Man Best Ball

The 2020 2-man Best Ball is approaching fast! The deadline to sign up AND pay for your entry fee ($50 plus cart and/or green fees). This is a cash payout event. We hope to get at least 20 teams but would like to see as many as possible. If you do not have a partner we will help you find one. Sign-up sheet is on bulletin board.

Deadline is July 17, 2020 at 6 PM

Annual Meeting Recap

Since not all members were able to attend the meeting on Thursday night, I would like to share notes from that meeting. Since that meeting the BOD also met to discuss the issues that were brought up at the meeting.

If you read below you will notice that a decision was made to survey the membership. That poll will appear in a separate post.

Meeting notes:

There were 34 members present for our dinner meeting

BOD elections were held with the following results: President: Jody Woodruff, Vice President: Hal Baker: Sect/Treasurer: W J Daniell

2 Additional members added to the BOD. Their duties will be defined at a later date by the elected officers. New BOD members will be Butch Singletary and Rick Moody

Several ideas were discussed to try and make the game more fair to everyone. Some of the suggestions were to 1) play points all the time 2) adjust tees based on age 3) adjust tees based on age and handicap. No changes were implemented at this time but the BOD will work towards this end.

Some discussion about making changes to the way we determine eligibility and how much the MGA will pay towards the trip. This item was tabled and will be discussed by the BOD to determine the fairest way to handle this.

BOD meeting notes:

The BOD met a few days after the general meeting. Here are some notes on what was discussed and any decisions made.

We will be creating a “Prospective Member” packet that will include information about our organization that can be given to new/prospective members. We believe this will serve a dual purpose, 1) Offer information that can be shared with men that are interested in joining. I envision that the Pro Shop would hand a copy of this to any new member or anyone looking for a regular “game”. 2) This packet will also inform current members of all the rules we play by, a copy of the bylaws as well as other decisions made my the membership or the BOD. This document will spell out our methods of calculating winners and the payout ratios, etc. This will be a living document and it will be the Secretary’s responsibility to keep it current.

We will also publish a survey with the intent of gathering information from the full membership on items that were discussed at the annual meeting. This survey will be online only.

The board discussed the application of the new rules as well as those “local MGA rules” that we have been playing by for some time now. Not everyone is aware of the few local rules we have in play so this should help keep everyone playing by the same rules. The packet we create will include this information.

The BOD also discussed how we calculate the individual cost for the Fall Trip. Our purpose was to make some changes that will encourage more people to take the trip as well as reward those that play more often. Since we already know how many times each player has participated, it will not require a lot of extra work. The formula we will use will be $2 X the number of times you played to create a “credit value”. The maximum credit will be set at $150 per person. There will be no credit issued unless it is a formal game. This means that rain outs do not count. Also only matches where we have at least 12 players will count as official matches. The Annual Best Ball Tournament will qualify a member for $5 additional credit. The BOD reserves the right to add additional events as long as there is adequate notice given via website and posting on bulletin board. Credits will be based on a fiscal year of October 1 through September 30.

We were able to find a copy of our bylaws that were originally adopted back in 2010. There have only been two changes since then to the bylaws, both affecting the number of BOD members. Last year we combined the offices of Sect and Treasurer into one office and this year we added 2 more members (duties not clearly defined yet). A copy of the updated bylaws will be included in the packet I mentioned above. One item in the bylaws that I had forgotten about was that officers are elected to 2 year terms.

Untitled post

The SH MGA Board of Directors would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
We will play a Shamble on December 29th instead of our normal points game (Weather permitting). Captains will pull pills and pick teams. Teams will select the best drive and all players will play from there. Two best balls will count toward team score.
Please sign up by 11:30.