Category: MGA News

Used for posts that contain news or notices

All Hail The Chief (or was that “Oh Hell”)

The BOD met last night for the first time since I was elected MGA President. We talked for a little over an hour as there were a number of items that I wanted to discuss:

  • MGA Match Software
  • Membership
  • Funds & Fee’s
  • Daily Match Format(‘s)
  • Golf Trip(‘s)
  • Pickers & Picking!

Within the next few days (when I can find the time) I will make a post discussing all of my goals as President. Today however, and since we have a match at Southern Landings tomorrow, I want to roll out the first four policy changes from the new administration (all of which were passed by unanimous decision).

  • Picking Order – It has been determined that from today forward, we will pick in order of MGA average score, with the highest average score picking first.
  • Threesomes & Fivesomes – On the days when we have an odd number of players, it has been decided that the first picker(‘s) will get the fivesomes, and the last picker(‘s) will get the threesomes. It was not discussed but I will proclaim that any picker designated to get a fivesome may give his last pick to the next picker without a fivesome, should he choose do so.
  • Lift Clean And Place (Cheat) – It has been decided that from today forward, when the GC declares that days play as cart path only, the MGA will observe lift clean and place through the green (not in a hazard).
  • Shambles (Scores to Count) – On the days when we play a shamble format we will only count two scores per team.

Please see you local BOD member (James, WJ, Marvin, Jody, John C.) should you have any questions about these policy changes.

Location change….

We will not be able to play this Thursday (2/04) at Southern Hills due to an event. We do however have tee times at Southern Landings at 1:00 pm. We need to have a list of those that plan to play to ensure we have enough space.

If you will be playing Thursday at Landings, call Buster/Matt and get your name added to the list before Thursday morning.

MGA News

  • Currently we have 27 people signed up for our Fall Trip to Augusta. We have set a goal of 32 so there are a few more guaranteed spots available. Once we reach 32 we cannot guarantee you a spot but will try our best to get you in. The signup sheet is on the bulletin board. Deposits are due by Sept 1 which is less than one week away. Please bring your deposit this weekend.
  • On another note, there is a GSGA event on Sunday 8/30 that impacts the MGA Sunday match. We will need to start at 11 AM and may have to use tee times in order to get the match in. We should know more by Saturday. If you plan to play on Sunday, please sign up or call the Pro Shop so they can make sure we have the space.
  • Free pizza after golf for those playing in our 5th Saturday Scramble this weekend (8/29).