Category: MGA News

Used for posts that contain news or notices

Dues ($35) for the MGA are due on January 1st each year. If you have not renewed your membership for 2022, please do so at your earliest convenience. We normally place our initial order for current year bag tags at the end of January and would like to include as many as possible in this first order. After the first order is placed we will wait until we have at least 10 more before placing a second order.

Please give your dues to John Correia or one of the other BOD members. You may also leave the payment in a envelope in the Pro Shop labeled Attention: MGA

MGA BOD Meeting 1/8/2022

On Saturday, the Board of Directors met for the first time since our annual meeting. On the agenda were the following topics and the BOD’s decision. 

Additional Board Members – During nominating and electing at-large members of the BOD, there were additional volunteers beyond those allowed by our by-laws. The decision of the BOD is to have the organization vote whether to allow our by-laws to be amended to allow the additional members to our BOD. Within the next few days, the BOD will produce a voting method to decide the issue.  

Amend our rules to change the tees played based upon the age of the member – It was suggested that we change our rules to allow members to play the white tees once they reach the age of 55. The BOD discussed this and determined that the negative aspects of this change would outweigh the positives. Therefore, it was decided that no change to tee assignment will be made based strictly on the age of the member. 

Amend our rules to change the tees played based upon the age and skill level of the member – It was suggested that we change our rules to determine the tees each member plays to factor in both age and skill level. The BOD discussed this in length and the unanimous decision is that this would be unmanageable, unfair to those members whose game improves through practice and play and confusing to members who may not know which tees to play from one round to the next. Therefore, it was decided that no change to tee assignment will be made based upon age in combination with the skill level of the member.  

Peer Play – Multiple members suggested that we change our rules to incorporate more peer-play (pick your own foursome) into our matches. The rationale behind the change would be to allow us more opportunity to play with friends and to make it easier to bring new members into the MGA. After considerable discussion, the BOD has decided that: 

Beginning in February 2022, all matches on Saturday will be points based peer-play matches. The 1st, 3rd and 5th Saturday of each month will be peer-play with a random draw for team scoring. The 2nd Saturday of each month will be peer-play and you pick your own team. The 4th Saturday of each month will be peer-play with an individual points payout only.  

It was also determined that enough members enjoy the shambles and scrambles to retain these formats. Therefore, beginning in February 2022, the Saturday matches when we currently play a shamble (3rd wknd) or scramble (5th wknd) will be moved to the Sunday match of the same weekend.  

Amend our rules to revert to drawing pills to determine picking order – It was suggested that we change our method of determining the picking order by team captains, to re-incorporate the random drawing of numbered pills like we have used in the past. The argument is that by drawing pills a captain may be able to pick and play with someone that he may not otherwise be able to play with. The reason the picking method was changed in 2021 was because we have seen a drop in the number of “A” players that participate in our matches and that by picking by order of average score, the BOD felt that this would give the higher scoring captains a better chance of competing. The BOD has decided that there has been enough discussion about this rule (on both sides of the argument) that the best way to resolve this is by putting it to a vote of the entire MGA membership. Therefore, the BOD will add this issue to the ballot/survey and let the members decide the issue. 

If you have any questions about any of these topics or you if wish to discuss anything else related to the MGA, see your local BOD member. Also, please be sure to complete the ballot/survey for rules changes and MGA related feedback as soon as you receive notice of it. 

James Simpson – MGA President 

MGA Annual Meeting

Thanks to all of the members that attended our annual meeting on Thursday night. We had a nice a dinner and some productive conversation. The main business for the evening was the nomination and election of new members for our Board Of Directors.

Your MGA BOD for 2022 is;
President – James Simpson (final year)
Vice President – Marvin Jones (re-elected)
Secretary / Treasurer – John Correia (replaces WJ Daniel)
At-Large Member – Jody Woodruff (final year)
At-Large Member – WJ Daniel (replaces John Correia)
At-Large Member – Artie Smith (new)
At-Large member – Carl Adkins (new)

We are scheduled to have our first BOD meeting with the new members after todays match (1/8/2022). There will be an additional news post within the coming few days to address the open discussion from the annual meeting.