Category: MGA News

Used for posts that contain news or notices

"Picking order"

Cast your vote!

A new poll has been added to the website. The purpose of this poll is to find out what the general membership thinks about the way in which we pick teams. I think we all feel we should do it in a manner that evens the playing field as best we can.
If you have ideas  please share your them with us by leaving a comment. Your opinion matters!

Golf Course Care

It goes without saying that it is part of each player’s responsibility to show respect for our golf course and to help keep it in the best shape for play as possible. There are areas of the course that have been “abused” over the last few months (maybe even longer). These areas are showing visible signs of wear and we if we do not all do our part to protect the course, we all pay the price.

In speaking with the golf course management, they have plans to strictly enforce rules for where carts are allowed on the course. The golf course has commited to enforcing the cart policies for both members as well as guest. We should all be proactive and cooperate with the course to ensure that we continue to enjoy playing on the best maintained course in Middle Georgia.

The worst areas are listed below:

  • #4 – left of the green.
  • #8 – left of the green
  • #9 – left of the green
  • #10 – fairway and short/left of the green
  • #14 – left of the green
  • #16 – between the big tree and sand trap
  • Next to each tee box (please park both tires on the cart path)
  • Next to the practice green (no parking on the grass to the right of the path)

Let us set the example and please do our part to avoid the areas listed above as well as using common sense in other areas.

BOD Meeting results

We had our first Board of Directors meeting for 2013 last night. I have listed some of the topics that were discussed. Please post comments below if you wish to voice your opinion.

  • We discussed having 2 weekend trips plus a one day trip this year. The thought is that on one of the weekend trips we will schedule it close enough that those that want to play both days can and those that cannot make it for both days can join us either day. We have not identified a location yet, but hope to make a decision and post it soon.

  • We would like to host or at least offer support for an annual tournament that we can grow into something special that benefits not only the MGA but Southern Hills Golf Club as well. We discussed a couple of options – a true Member/Guest event or an annual Tournament of Champions type of event. More on this later.

  • We are close to pinning down the 2013 meeting schedule. We will most likely have a dinner meeting late March, followed by one in May, July, September, as well as an annual meeting in December. Check the website regularly to see the details.

  • Changes to the way we pick teams for the weekly matches. It was suggested by several players that we should pick in order of handicap. We all want to make the process as fair as possible to all. The BOD voted to try something different for a while and see how it works out. Starting Sunday 2/17 we will pick teams in the order of handicap. What this means is that once the “pickers” are identified, the first pick will go to the player with the highest handicap, followed by the next highest handicap, and so on. Please post your comments below if you have an opinion on this.