Category: MGA News

Used for posts that contain news or notices

Athens Trip Results are online

First let me say thanks to all of you that made the trip to Athens this weekend. I don’t know what you thought but I believe it to have been a very enjoyable trip. I am eager to hear any feedback from any of those that made the trip. We want to hear any suggestions you might have that will help make the next trip even better.

As promised I have compiled the results and have posted them to our website. I will summarize below, but if you wish to see a copy of the full results, click on the links below for the report you wish to see. There are 4 reports for each course we played – Team Results, Skins, Individual Points and Course Stats.

The prize money was spread out among many of the 36 players. If I counted correctly, there were 26 out of 36 that got some sort of cash prize. Here is a link to the Prize List:

Athens Prize List

Lane Creek Golf Club, Bishop, GA

Team Results: Lane Creek Team Standings

First Place: 142 (two-way tie)

Jeremy Johnson, Jeff Jones, W J Daniell, Bob Treend

Jon David Kennedy, Ron Hall, Robert Griffin, John Wade

Third Place: 144

Tim Wynne, Carl Adkins, Michael Conner, Wayne Simmons

Fourth Place: 146

Joel Garrett, Tom Arnold, Mike Churcher, Ed Lancaster

Skins: Lane Creek Skins

#2 Jody Woodruff, #7 Mike Churcher, #12 Jeremy Johnson

Individual Points: Lane Creek Individual Points

Jeremy Johnson +8

Glen House +1

Jon David Kennedy, Marvin Jones, Robert Griffin (3-way tie) Even

Course Stats: Lane Creek Course Stats

UGA Golf Course, Athens, Ga

Team Results: UGA Team Standings

First Place: 143

Jody Woodruff, Fred Raschke, Jeff Spears, Dennis Blomquist

2nd Place: 147

Tracy Stephens, Ed Lancaster, Wayne Simmons, Jeff Jones

3rd Place: (two-way tie) 149

Joel Garrett, Carl Adkins, Mike Churcher, Tom Arnold

Tim Wynne, Tom Bourgard, Glen House, Michael Conner

Skins: UGA Skins

 #4; #9 Tom Bourgard, #10 Dennis Brown, #11 Ed Lancaster, #12 Carl Adkins (eagle)

Individual Points: UGA Individual Points

Tom Bourgard +10

Jeff Spears, Tim Wynne (two-way tie) +2

Glenn Broadnax, Ron Hall (two-way tie) Even

Course Stats: UGA Course Stats

For those that were lucky enough to take home some cash, I will be including those $$ in the next update to the 2014 Money Leaders List.

New Additions to website

SH logo

I recently made some changes to the website. These changes are in an effort to provide each member with access to as much information possible that might be of interest. Check out the new items on the menu:

MGA Money List

MGA News – SunMark Cup (hover mouse over MGA News to see option)



Some interesting Info

There is always talk about just who takes home “all the money”, so to settle the dispute, here are the Top Ten Total Money and Top Ten Skins winners. This information is not exact as I had to use our website posts to figure what each person won each match and there were times where the sheets were not turned in, and other times where the money was not evenly divisible. In the cases where I could not determine the exact amount I tended to round down rather than up. I also have included the “Fish Tournament” money, so those that did well in that event got a big boost for the total money.

I have been working on a database to track how much money each player wins throughout the year. I am close to being able to publish that information but need to finish working on the format of the report.

Total Money
Bill Shively $1,609
Ed Lancaster $1,607
Rick Moody $1,384
W J Daniell $1,291
J D Kennedy $1,216
Rick Mock $1,160
Steve Roland $1,135
Jody Woodruff $932
Artie Smith $836
Joel Garrett $642
Skin Money
J D Kennedy $673
Bill Shively $640
Ed Lancaster $523
Rick Moody $522
Jody Woodruff $410
W J Daniell $393
Artie Smith $384
Steve Roland $327
Joel Garrett $287
R C Coleman $261