Category: MGA News

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2017 Fall Trip

It is that time of the year where we finalize plans for our Fall Trip. The dates this year are expected to be October 20-22, 2017. We have looked at options for one night w/2 rounds of golf as well as 2 nights with 3 rounds of golf. Based on the survey we did a couple of years ago most people would like to go to a more upscale place and are willing to pay the price for the upgrade. Since we only do one of these a year, the hope is that we can get a good group of 24-32 people who would like to make it a long weekend and make it a 3 day trip. With this much notice hopefully no one will have trouble scheduling a day off on Friday.

In looking for a more upscale place, it has not been hard to find a place but like anything else in life there is a cost associated with that option. What we have done is try to put together some options that are at least reasonable. Please select only your first choice below. Once we can nail down the location we can finalize the pricing. The pricing below is an estimate based on my research.

We need answers to the poll ASAP as Callaway and Sea Palms both fill up quickly, especially the housing.

2017 Fall Trip Poll

Please take a moment to vote for your choice for our Fall Trip. There are so many choices out there that I want to get a good feel for what you guys think before I spend a lot of time investigating our options. We are looking at probably October 21-22, 2017.

Many of you have expressed that you would like to go somewhere like Robert Trent Jones or some other slightly upscale course this year. There are financial obstacles when doing this. Most require a minimum 2 night stay as well as a higher greens fee. The MGA can only afford up to a certain amount and we are trying to stick to less than $150 per person out of our funds. We can go anywhere we want as long as you are willing to pay the difference.

I have looked at a few options that include:

  1. RTJ – Opelika
  2. Sea Palms
  3. King and Prince
  4. Callaway Gardens
  5. Athens, GA (Monroe Country Club and Lane Creek)

We are not limited to the choices above, but this represents some ideas I have looked at.  At this point the poll only asks generically what you would like to do, not pick a course yet. Once I have received the results of the poll I will investigate our options more closely and submit another poll to choose the actual location.

The poll will only be active for one week from today. Please take the poll below ASAP.