Category: MGA News

Used for posts that contain news or notices

2023 Annual Meeting – Reminder

Just a quick note to remind everyone that our 2023 Annual Meeting is tomorrow after the round. The evenings itinerary looks like this;

  • Discussion of MGA financials & any MGA or SH announcements
  • Nominations for MGA President
  • Nominations for 2 MGA At-large members
  • Eat dinner / paper ballots will be prepared and printed
  • Vote for new MGA BOD members
  • Announce the results of the elections
  • Open discussion

It is too late to sign up for the dinner if you have not already done so, but we encourage everyone to attend the meeting if they can.
Members are allowed to name a proxy to cast their vote on their behalf, if they are not able to vote in person. All members designating a proxy will need to do so in writing, or by texting the proxy’s name to a current MGA BOD Member, prior to the start of the voting. If you need a BOD cell #, mine is (4)(7)(8)-(7)(3)(3)-(Three)(Four)(Seven)(Seven).
Everyone attending the dinner or casting a vote (in person or by proxy) must be a member in good standing, which means your 2023 MGA dues must be paid in advance.

Speak with a BOD member if you have any questions about our 2023 Annual Meeting.


MGA Annual Meeting

Our annual meeting will be held on Thursday January 12th, 2023, after the match.
We will discuss current finances and some other MGA business before we nominate and elect a new MGA President. Members will have the opportunity to ask questions, or make comments and suggestions after the other business has concluded.

Dinner will be served during the meeting. There will be a signup sheet posted in the clubhouse by this coming weekend. Everyone that is planning to attend needs to signup so we know how much food to order. The deadline to signup will be Sunday January 8th. We look forward to seeing everyone there.


It is time again to start thinking about our annual Spring 2-man Best Ball. The dates have been set for April 23-24, 2022. Please get your partner and sign up on the bulletin board. The deadline to signup AND pay is April 16, 2022 by 6PM. If you need help securing a partner, please let a BOD member know and we will help.