Author: SouthernHills Admin

Spring Day Trip

Cast your vote!

Part of our scheduled activities for the MGA this year is to make 2 day trips and one weekend trip to an out of town course. We have done the weekend trip to Valdosta the last 2 years and want to add a couple of single day trips in addition to what we have done in the past.

We are looking for some ideas as to where we could go for one day. Obviously distance is a major factor as we need to be able to get there and back in one day. We have not yet decided what date or even what day of the week we would make this trip. A lot depends on the opinions of our members as well as availability of the selected course.

I have posted a poll on the website with some ideas for the Spring Day Trip. Please cast your vote and if you have others that you would like to suggest, please do so. The courses listed have not been contacted. I was hoping we could narrow the choices down before making the call.


Match Results

“Ringer Challenge”
Starting in Feb, we will be running a monthly “ringer” for those interested. The rules of the game are simple. Each round that you play with the MGA on Thursday, Saturday or Sunday qualifies. Hole by hole scores are maintained for each round. Your Ringer score is tabulated by counting the Best score you make on each hole for the month. The person with the best Ringer score wins the pot.
While the competition ‘favors’ those that make a lot of birdies it usually boils down to those that birdie the tougher holes. Over the course of a month, most will have birdied 3-4-6-8-10-12-13 &14 multiple times but the others are much less frequent as can be attested to by where Skins are normally won.
The entry fee is $10 per month, paid in advance.
If interested, see Hal Baker.

Match winners to be posted!

Starting Feb. 1, 2013 we will try to add a new post after every weekly match. In order for this to be possible each team captain should turn in a legible copy of the scorecard with all scores filled in.

The hope is to be able to post the winners of the best-ball team scores as well as the winners of the skins. In addition we would like to be able to post any newsworthy scores such as low rounds, eagles, hole in ones, etc.

Be sure to check this site regularly to see who is “taking home the bacon”.

As always, feel free to offer suggestions and submit any newsworthy information that might happen during or outside of the game by one of our members.