We are in the early planning stages for our annual Fall Trip. In an effort to avoid as many scheduling conflicts as possible, I am asking you to check you calendars now and see if there are any known conflicts. I know it is hard to know sometimes this far in advance but we have to get our plans done soon to insure that we can get rooms and tee times.
We are proposing 10/18-20, 2019 for the dates. As we have done in the past we will look for somewhere to play on the way down on Friday for those interested. I am looking at booking rooms for the 18th and 19th.
The location is not yet set, but we are looking at playing at Jekyll Island again. This seems to give us good pricing and facilities. If we do settle on Jekyll, I am working on getting upgraded 2 bedroom condos with 3 beds.
Once we settle on a location I will post that info and set the date any deposit is due. We try to get a location with adequate rooms and tee times in the neighborhood of $300 with the MGA Party Fund covering some of the costs. In the past the players portion has been between $150-200. We would like to stay in this range.
Also, for those that were not at our meeting in January, we made the decision this year to not set a minimum number of times played needed to be eligible. This year any MGA member may elect to make the trip. Since there is no minimum, the BOD also setup a new method to determine how much of the trip the MGA Party Fund will cover. The new policy is that you will earn $2 credit towards the trip for each time played between 10/1/18 and 9/30/19. In addition, if you played in the annual 2-Man Best Ball, you will have earned an additional $5 credit. The maximum credit you can earn is $150. These credits are only valid towards the cost of the Fall Trip.
There are still 3 more months to earn credits. I will publish the credits earned in the next few weeks.