2019 Annual Meeting

In a previous post I had noted that the date for our Annual Meeting was to be 1/3/19. That date has been changed. I will post a new notice once we establish a new date. We are looking at either 1/10 or 1/17. We need time to plan for dinner and will be posting a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board soon.

Dinner will start at 5:30 with the meeting to follow at approximately 6 PM. On the menu will be pork chops, macaroni and cheese, green beans and rolls along with a desert. There is no cost for the meal for 2018 members or new members for 2019.

Since we are starting a new year tomorrow, please remember dues for 2019 are now due. Annual dues are $35 and can be paid directly to any BOD member or left in envelope in the Pro Shop.

On another note, we only have about 20 people who have signed back up for the Hole in One Club since John Correia’s ace a couple of weeks ago. The cost is only $5. Anyone that has a hole in one during an MGA sponsored event is eligible for one half the pot. The current pot is at $227. Let’s see if we can all join and make the pot grow.

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