2017 Fall Trip

I have attached a doc that shows the list of people who have signed up for the trip to St. Simon’s on Oct. 20-22, 2017. We must pay a deposit to the facility at the end of June which is this weekend to reserve the spots. We definitely have room for 28 players.

As of today there are 30 signed up to make the trip. I am still waiting on a few more deposits to come in before the deadline. Once I have all the deposits we will confirm reservations with the facility. Anyone that wishes to make the trip may still be able to go, but the sooner you sign up AND pay the deposit the better the chance we can add to our group size.

The main reason I am posting this sheet is so that you can see who signed up for a double room but does not have a roommate selected yet. It is up to you to check the sheet and contact any potential roommate to get agreement ahead of the trip. Please fill in the blanks on the sheet on the bulletin board once you find a roommate.

The balance of the deposit is due by July 31. For those in a double room that is $85 and for those in a single it is $230 ($85 plus additional $145).

2017 Fall Trip Signups