Match Results

“Ringer Challenge”
Starting in Feb, we will be running a monthly “ringer” for those interested. The rules of the game are simple. Each round that you play with the MGA on Thursday, Saturday or Sunday qualifies. Hole by hole scores are maintained for each round. Your Ringer score is tabulated by counting the Best score you make on each hole for the month. The person with the best Ringer score wins the pot.
While the competition ‘favors’ those that make a lot of birdies it usually boils down to those that birdie the tougher holes. Over the course of a month, most will have birdied 3-4-6-8-10-12-13 &14 multiple times but the others are much less frequent as can be attested to by where Skins are normally won.
The entry fee is $10 per month, paid in advance.
If interested, see Hal Baker.

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